Conference Schedule | November 14, 2018 | 1:30PM - 3:30PM
Parallel Session #1
Cloud Computing, IOT & Big Data
Session Chair: Dr. Ashok Kumar Asst. Session Chair: Intan Farhana Kamsin
Venue: E-07-01
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Time Slot: 1:30PM - 3:30PM
No Paper No Title Author
1 1 Classification of Soil Series in Cagayan Valley Philippines using Artificial Neural Network Joe Lagarteja
2 110 An Enhancement of Cyber Threat Intelligence Framework Md Sahrom Abu, Siti Rahayu Selamat, Robiah Yusof and Aswami Ariffin
3 24 Dental X Ray segmentation and tooth classification using Hu’s invariants moments and histogram of oriented gradients. -A novel approach Rameswari Poornima Janardanan and Rajasvaran Logeswaran
4 198 Gamified Learning System: A Motivation for Exceptional Learners of SPED-Baguio for Better Engagement Marvin Arenas and Thelma Palaoag
5 34 MultiKernel Multiclass Relevance Vector Machine for Simultaneous Fault Detection in Bench Mark Model of Wind Generation Systems REKHA S. N. and P ARUNA JEYANTHY
6 147 Data Mining in Disease Management – Diabetic Patients Catherine Catamora
7 203 Anti-Andap: Crop Protection Technology for Frost using Internet of Things for Benguet Janelli M. Mendez
8 134 A review on techniques and methods for breast cancer detection using different types of screening modality images Sivakumar V and Maryam Tahmooresi
9 136 Machine Learning bound Algorithms for Tumor Detection: A Review Sivakumar V and Maryam Tahmooresi
10 206 Machine Learning algorithms and two languages for sentiment analyzing Roman Dyussembayev, Maryam Shahpasand and Vinesh Thiruchelvam
11 190 Understanding major reliability challenges of cloud-based application for Mass media Ismail Mohamed and Dr. Kesava Pillai Al Rajadorai
12 191 Reliability Issues in Cloud-based Application of Mass Media Fahad Noor and Dr. Kesava Pillai Al Rajadorai Rajoo
Parallel Session #2
Computer Science & Software Engineering
Session Chair: Dr. A. Sivasangari Asst. Session Chair: Yogeswaran Nathan
Venue: E-07-02
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Time Slot: 1:30PM - 3:30PM
No Paper No Title Author
1 160 Open Government Data Implementation in Malaysia: A Preliminary Study of Issues and Challenges Siti Isnaine Haini, Nor Zairah Ab. Rahim and Nor Ziha Megat Mohd Zainuddin
2 33 Systematic Review on Augmented Reality Application for Autism Children Nur Hidayah Adnan and Ibrahim Ahmad
3 165 User Interface Development Using Model-Based Approach Wan Nur Liyana Wan Husain, Azrul Hazri Jantan, Abdul Azim Abdul Ghani, Azrina Kamaruddin and Novia Indriaty Admodisastro
4 4 Push-and-Pop Genes xChange (PPx) – A new crossover operator in Genetic Algorithm Joe Lagarteja
5 125 Adoption of Enterprise Architecture from Technology-Organisation-Environment and Pressure Perspectives: A Conceptual Model Nor Azizah Ahmad, Sulfeeza Mohd Drus and Nur Azaliah Abu Bakar
6 128 Building AAA Enabled Campus Enterprise Network Infrastructure Using Free and Open Source Technology Elizalde Berba and Thelma Palaoag
7 124 iKID’S-TRACK: System Architecture for Tracking and Monitoring Learners Joy Bea, Thelma Palaoag and Genato Gines
8 201 An Empirical Study on Loan Default Prediction Models Uzair Aslam, Hafiz Ilyas Tariq Aziz, Asim Sohail and Nowsath Kadhar Batcha
9 202 Loan Default Prediction Model using SEMMA Asim Sohail, Hafiz Ilyas Tariq Aziz, Uzair Aslam and Nowshath Kadhar Batcha
10 205 A Systematic Review on Could Security Auditing Ong Puixiang, Maryam Shahpasand and Ahmad Dahari Bin Jarno
Parallel Session #3
Technology Trends and Forensics & Secure Systems
Session Chair: Dr. B.Bharathi Asst. Session Chair: Yusnita Yusof
Venue: E-07-03
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Time Slot: 1:30PM - 3:30PM
No Paper No Title Author
1 153 BYOD Authentication Using Blockchain Technology Fara Jamal, Mohd. Taufik Abdullah and Azizol Abdullah
2 192 The Implication of Behaviorism towards Exceptional Learners thru Game-Based Learning System Christian Dela Cruz, Thelma Palaoag and Marvin Arenas
3 41 DFIG based WECS with Enhanced Low Voltage Ride Through using Enhanced Crowbar Technique Jayanthi P and Devaraj Durairaj
4 178 Learning Management System Usability as Perceived by FEU Students: An Empirical Evaluation Catherine Catamora, John Oliver Brioso, Richmond Riyadhen Lim and Lourdes Olivia Paraiso
5 122 Evidence and Effectiveness of E-commerce Over Social Media Commerce in the National Capital Region: A Customer PerspectiveCatherine Catamora, John Oliver Brioso, Richmond Riyadhen Lim and Adelaida Saldivar
6 94 Implementing M-Learning Elements into Mobile Game Technology Fatin Aliah Yahya and Ibrahim Ahmad
7 184 Web-Based GIS Ancestral Domain Management Using Pull Technology Vicente Pitogo and Glenn Lahayon
8 188 Government Agency’s Compliance on Data Privacy: A Case Study View Vicente Pitogo
9 129 Examining Customer Satisfaction on Wi-Fi Internet Services in a Higher Education Institution Elizalde M. Berba
10 54 A Review of Big data in the Healthcare Sector: Evaluation and Analysis of Cervical Cancer Data Waleed Iftikhar, Zunair Mahmood and Dr. Manoj Jayabalan
Parallel Session #4
Creative Multimedia and Mobile Computing
Session Chair: Dr.R.Subhashini Asst. Session Chair: Khalida Shajaratuddur Harun
Venue: E-07-05
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Time Slot: 1:30PM - 3:30PM
No Paper No Title Author
1 183 Real-time Location Broadcasting using Mobile Push Technology Vicente Pitogo and Rolyn Daguil
2 149 Theorizing Communicative Styles on Social Media: An Etymological Shift Malissa Maria Mahmud and Chandra Reka Ramachandiran
3 148 Prioritizing Event Sequences Test Cases Based on Faults Johanna Ahmad, Salmi Baharom, Abdul Azim Abd Ghani, Hazura Zulzalil and Jamilah Din
4 111 Factors Affecting Employee Attrition and Predictive Modelling Using IBM HR Data Sumaira Khan
5 210 Technology Foresight In The Virtual Learning Environment in Malaysia Kamalanathan Shanmugam, Nur Khairunnisha Zainal and Chandramohan Gnanasekaren
6 193 Smart Dashboards for Smart City- a Platform to Engage with Citizen Hemalata Vasudavan and Sumathi Balakrishnan
7 182 An Analysis of Reliability Issues in Mass Media Companies Using Cloud Computing Eddy Khonica and Kesava Pillai Rajadorai
Parallel Session #5
Engineering Discipline
Session Chair: Dr. S. Vigneshwari Asst. Session Chair: Umapathy Eaganathan
Venue: E-07-07
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Time Slot: 1:30PM - 3:30PM
No Paper No Title Author
1 127 Converting Mechanical Energy into Electrical Energy Genato Gines and Joy Bea
2 82 Electric Load Forecasting with Deep Machine Learning Ala Adin Baha Eldin Mustafa Abdelaziz, Ka Fei Thang and Jacqueline Lukose
3 187 Optimal Series Capacitor Compensation for Transmission LinesChun Lim Hiew and Jacqueline Lukose
4 75 Active Noise Reduction using LMS & FxLMS algorithms Krishna Ravinchandra, Ka Fei Thang and Chee Yong Lau
5 179 A compact Reconfigurable slotted Microstrip patch antenna Using pin diode for wireless applications Khalid Oumar and Lai Shyan
6 103 Protection System for Industrial Motors using Vibration Sensor and Arduino Jagadiswaran Chelvarajah, Ravi Lakshmanan and Sathish Kumar Selvaperumal
7 104 IOT Based car parking management System with an Application Program Interface Prospher Philip Nguma and Sathish Kumar Selvaperumal
8 209 Optimization of Total Harmonic Distortion in Multilevel PV Inverters using Genetic Algorithm Dr Sathish Kumar Selvaperumal, Wong Chen Fung and Ravi Lakshmanan
9 189 Evaluating the Reliability issues in Hybrid Mobile Application: “My Astro” App Ahmed Saeed and Dr.Kesava Pillai
10 214 A Refined Approach for Understanding Role of Variables in Elementary Programming Mahika Hosanee and Muhammad Ehsan Rana
Parallel Session #6
Computer Science & Software Engineering
Session Chair: Dr. Vazeerudeen Abdul Hameed On-line Presentation
Venue: E-07-08
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Time Slot: 1:30PM - 3:30PM
No Paper No Title Author
1 53 A Cuckoo Search based Forest Cover ClassificationShanthasheela A and Shanmugavadivu P
2 60 Optimization of series compensation in transmission networks using ANN Jacqueline Lukose and Mohammad Faiz Aunowar
3 92 Fusion of feature selection and random forest for an anomaly-based intrusion detection systemShraddha Khonde and Dr. V. Ulagamuthalvi
4 97 Sequence Statistical Code Based Data Compression Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Jancy S and Dr.Jayakumar C
5 112 Web based B2D services Using Hadoop and Data analytics Mr.S.DHAMODARAN, Dr.M.LAKSHMI, Ms.J.REFONAA
6 115 Management of Information and Communication Technology in CALABARZON Private Higher Education Institutions Celia Tibayan
7 117 Privacy Prevention in Healthcare data using Big Data Aroul Canessane R, Dhanalakshmi R and Albert Mayan
8 119 Support Vector Machine For Effective Robust Visual Tracking Ankayarkanni B, Albert Mayan J and Aruna J
9 120 Change detection and flood water mapping using Sentinel-1A Synthetic Aperture Radar images Anusha N and Bharathi B
10 123 Examining and Sensing Artificial Knee with Multi Sensor Networks Vignesh Ramamoorthy, Suja Cherukullapurath Mana, Keerthi Samhitha and Divya S
11 139 A Scholarly Audit on the Traits of Enciphering, Deciphering Algorithms bifurcated under Symmetric, Assymetric for Wired cum Wireless Environment Julian Menezes and Jesu Jeyarin
12 162 SANDESH,Categorized Accident Alerting System Using Bike GlovesSindhu K, Subhashini R, Gowri S and Vimali J S
14 176 An Empirical study and Review on Techniques of Test Case Prioritization Lakshmi Priya Kolamuri and Dr.N Srinivasan
15 177 Secure Encryption and Compression in Wireless Body Sensor Networks Sivasangari A, Subhashini R, Vigneshwri S and Bharathi B
16 185 A study on the application of Machine Learning algorithms using R Vigneshwari S, Bharathi B, Sivasangari A, Gowri S and Subashini R
17 186 Enhanced Visitor Experience Through Campus Virtual Tour Rizawati Rohizan, Daniel Vistro and Muhammad Rawi Puasa
18 215 Change Incorporation System Reliant on Cooperative Workforce: A Model for Successful Survival of IT Organizations Ghazala Shaheen and Irshad Ahmed Sumra
19 217 A Study on Teaching Faculty Main Competencies Influencing in Engineering College, India Mohanakumari Dhanasekaran
20 218 Employer Branding Success through Social Media Bagirathi M Bagirathi M and Dr.R.Magesh Dr.R.Magesh
21 224 Wellness of Employees and Engagement in Corporate Scenario John Britto and R Magesh
22 225 An Improved Method for Analyzing Biocryptic Data in Cloud Databases Ramya John and Sasikala T
23 226 Escalating Impact of Customer Relationship Marketing Approach in Retail Supermarket Chain Stores. Kalai Lakshmi Tr, Rani J and Kumarsamy P
24 227 Client Cluster Identification of Internet Bank Services Aysha Fathima Y and Muthumani S
25 228 Future Retailing:Augmented Reality in Grocery Retailing S.Catherine S and Dr.R.Magesh R
26 229 Study on Consumers Intention in E-Shopping-an Empirical Study in India Kavitha Rajayogan and Muthumani S
27 230 The efficacy of e-CRM application as a device of transparent and secure in flourishing Indian e-Banking system – A Study John Paul M and Muthumani S
28 231 Emotional Intelligence Interventions on software Professionals emotional maturity Nithya S and Maya M
29 232 The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Faculty Knowledge Sharing S.Joyce Solomon and Dr.R.Magesh
30 233 MR Brain Image Segmentation using k-Means Clustering and Expectation Maximization Naganandhini S, Shanmugavadivu P and Sivakumar Vengusamy
31 144 Improving The Technical Aspects In Web Approach For Enhancing E-commerce Solutions Suited For Global Market Leo Gertrude David, Tet Khuan Chen and Jun-Fu Ching
32 145 Mobile Field Engineer Support System - Fly Field Leo Gertrude David, Chen Tet Khuan and Xin-Shi Loh
33 146 Network Troubleshooting Intelligent System Leo Gertrude David and Chen Tet Khuan
34 222 Conceptual Framework Puzzle Game with High Replayability Riannatta Adellin, Leo Gertrude David, Edwin Pio Rufus Samiraj and Jacob Sow
35 223 Improving the method of implementing the accelerometer for mobile application in case study of Yogyakarta Culinary Riannatta Adellin, Chen Tet Khuan, Edwin Pio Rufus Samiraj and Leo Gertrude David
35 221 Facilitation of E-commerce Expansion: Online Item Trading System Development Debashish Das
36 6 Optimal Mechanics and Controls for a Comfortable Mobile Strategy VR Game Lo Wei Yuan, Leo Gertrude David and Edwin Pio Rufus Samiraj
37 17 Orthogonal Moment Invariant Function for Image Processing Vazeerudeen Abdul Hameed
39 21 A Comparative Study on Credit Card Default Risk Predictive Model Ooi Jien Leong and Manoj Jayabalan
40 22 Globalization of Social Media Thilaka Narayan and Leo Gertrude David
41 45 Energy Usage Profiling at Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation Daniel Mago Vistro and Irene Taguinod
42 212 Literature Review on Biomedical Imaging Technique for Detection of Brain Tumour Dr Sathish Kumar Selvaperumal, Jawwad Sami Ur Rahman and Prof. Dr. R. Logeswaran N. Rajasvaran