Conference Schedule | November 14, 2018 | 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Parallel Session #1
Cloud Computing, IOT & Big Data
Session Chair: Seyyad Mohamed Sulaiman Asst. Session Chair: Tava Manggai
Venue: E-07-01
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Time Slot: 4:00PM - 6:00PM
No Paper No Title Author
1 113 IN N GO-CAR PARK MOBILE APPLICATION PAYMENT SYSTEM Jimmy Limnardy, Hairul Aysa Abdul Halim Sihiq and Nor Azlina Abdul Rahman
2 26 Smart Meter Data Analysis using Big Data Tools Sulaiman S. M, Aruna Jeyanthy and Devaraj D
3 36 Decision Support Credit Scoring Model to Improve Loan Default Prediction in Financial Institutions Kamya Eria and Preethi Subramanian
4 96 Proposition of Machine Learning Driven Personalized Marketing Approach for E-Commerce Business Kok Sheng Tan and Preethi Subramanian
5 63 A Conceptual Model of Image Forgery Detection using SURF key-point Extraction and Feature Matching Algorithm Ajwad Nurajmal Che Rahim, Nor Azlina Abd Rahman and V.Sivakumar
6 93 Significance-based Feature Extraction for Customer Churn Prediction Data in the Telecom Sector Kamya Eria and Booma Poolan Marikannan
7 199 Neural Machine Translation: A Review of the Approaches Kamya Eria and Manoj Jayabalan
8 137 A Review on Image Processing Techniques Utilized in Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Systems Muhammad Akbar Husnoo
9 81 Hybrid PSO-ELM Algorithm for Customer Churn Prediction Koh Guan Li and Dr. Booma Poolan Marikannan
10 43 A Comparative Study of Classification Techniques on Breast Cancer Diagnosis Noman Butt and Noman Butt
11 60 Optimization of Series Compensation in Transmission Networks Using ANNJacqueline Lukose and Mohammad Faiz Aunowar
Parallel Session #2
Computer Science & Software Engineering
Session Chair: Dr Vazeerudeen Hameed Asst. Session Chair: Abdulla Muaz
Venue: E-07-02
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Time Slot: 4:00PM - 6:00PM
No Paper No Title Author
1 3 Rule-Based Chatbot for Student Enquiries Jagdish Singh, Minnu Helen Joesph and Khurshid Begum Abdul Jabbar
2 5 A QR-Scan Graduation Management System Chen Xin Wan, Minnu Joseph and Khurshid Begum Abdul Jabbar
3 78 Web 2.0. Based Marketing: Adoption of Facebook in Eyewear E-Commerce Industry Adi Perdana Arifin and Daniel Mago Vistro
4 65 iMotion: Emotion Recognition Parveena Sandrasegaran and Vazeerudeen Abdul Hameed
5 19 The Review of Ternary Base Application for Adaptation in ECC Nik Sakinah Nik Ab Aziz, Sharifah Md Yasin and Julia Juremi
6 42 Forecasting of Stock Price using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model Chi Jiang Loh and Preethi Subramanian
7 31 Mammogram Mass Segmentation using Fractals Sivakumar Vengusamy and Shanmugavadivu Pichai
8 32 Validation Process for Web Design of UEWDM Siti Azreena Mubin, Azrul Hazri Jantan and Matthew Wee Ann Poh
9 35 Linking Agility, Information Technology Flexibility and LearningNoor Hafizah Hassan and Noreen Izza Arshad
10 40 Conceptualizing Smart City Initiative via e-Cemetery Portal Thien Ee Sien and Chandra Reka Ramachandiran
11 38 A novel idea for tailoring of traditional PMBOK activities for a software development project Waleed Iftikhar
12 67 Smart City: The state of the art, Dimensions, Components and Characteristics Hemalata Vasudavan and Saraswathy Shamini Gunasekaran
Parallel Session #3
Technology Trends and Forensics & Secure Systems
Session Chair: Dr Mohamed Shabbir Hamza Asst. Session Chair: Umapathy Eaganathan
Venue: E-07-03
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Time Slot: 4:00PM - 6:00PM
No Paper No Title Author
1 79 Enhancing E-Commerce Experience Using Gamification in Clothing Website Adi Perdana Arifin and Daniel Mago Vistro
2 216 Li-Fi Technology High data transmission securely Yaseein Soubhi Hussein and Amresh Chetty Annan
3 77 TechStacin: A Collaboration Platform for Startups and Support Providers in Malaysia Keshjeet Kaur, Jerry Chong and Mien May Chong
4 86 The impact of e-learning applications as pedagogical tools for primary school students (6 - 12 years) in the 21st century Daniella Sheryl Marie and Palvinderjit Kaur
5 74Digital Divide in the Malaysian Primary Schools Veerakumar Soundrapandian and Thomas Patrick O’daniel
6 18 Determinant S-boxes for Substitution Function in Block Cipher Algorithm Julia Juremi, Sharifah Md Yasin, Nik Sakinah Nik Ab Aziz, Salasiah Sulaiman and Nurul Husna Mohd Saad
7 13 A Cryptographic Approach for Secure Web Discovery Chen Tet Khuan and Md Baharul Islam
8 181 Mobile Application Development for Tourist Kelvin Brangissko, Daniel Vistro, Salasiah Sulaiman, Intan Farahana Kamsin and Umapathy Eaganathan
9 25 "Potential implementation of an Online Train Ticketing System for North Sumatera Line, IndonesiaNaresh Kumar Appadurai, David Riando Siagian and Kamalanathan Shanmugam
10 213 Governance Framework for Flood Disaster in Malaysia: Integration of COBIT and Hyogo Principles Siti Sarah Maidin, Marini Othman and Norzariyah Yahya
11 204 Mobile Application: Campus Shuttle Bus Service Yusrina Nor, Nur Khairunnisha Zainal and Intan Farahana Kamsin
12 211 Governance of the Flood Disaster Framework in Malaysia: A Way Forward in Enabling Information Technology Knowledge SharingSiti Sarah Maidin, Marini Othman, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad and Norzariyah Yahya
Parallel Session #4
Creative Multimedia and Mobile Computing
Session Chair: Dr Chen Tet Khuan Asst. Session Chair: Aliabid Veerji
Venue: E-07-05
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Time Slot: 4:00PM - 6:00PM
No Paper No Title Author
1 61 FindIt: Location Based Personalized Assistance Gamma Rizkinata Satriana and Sathiapriya Ramiah
2 59 Adopting Information System Security Services in Online Clothing Marketing System using RUP Methodology under PHP Lim Jin Long, Umapathy Eaganathan and Nor Afifah Sabri
3 195 A study of the cryptographic technologies on big data privacy and security in E-Commerce Raheem Mafas and Manoj Jayabalan
4 27 A Conceptual Model of Indoor Location Based Attendance SystemAmad Arshad
5 95 “Cake Frenzy” – A Physic Game That Implements Puzzle Mechanics With Indonesian Cultures Theme Salsabila Patria Wibowo, Jacob Tian You Sow and Chen Tet Khuan
6 52 Ideation Framework of Blockchain Adoption in Malaysia Higher Education Umapathy Eaganathan, Veeramani Vijai Indiran and Yogeswaran Nathan
7 55 New Comparative Study between Procedure Oriented PHP and Object Oriented PHP in Web Application Development Umapathy Eaganathan, Abu Rushd Chowdhury and Vijayalaxmi Amuthan
8 39 Mobile Learning Adoption in Higher Education Roza Ibrahim, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Geetha Kanaparan and Prof. Dr. Andy Seddon
9 200 A Survey on Fingerprint Biometric Devices Maryam Shahpasand, Dunstan Tie Hien Zon and Nur Iylia Binti Roslan
10 12 Design and Development a First-Person Puzzle Game based on Time-Travel Game Mechanics Adrian Sim, Md Baharul Islam and Chen Tet Khuan
11 70Formation of FYP Bank Integrated System using Client Server Technology in Asia Pacific UniversityUmapathy Eaganathan, Dhason Padmakumar, Vijayalaxmi Amuthan and Dr Booma P M
Parallel Session #5
Engineering Discipline
Session Chair: IR. Jacqueline Lukose Asst. Session Chair: Nur Zarifah Mohamed Salib
Venue: E-07-07
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Time Slot: 4:00PM - 6:00PM
No Paper No Title Author
1 102 Autonomous Shopping Trolley using Color Navigation Mahmood Abdulla, Sathish Kumar Selvaperumal, Syed Mohd Bahrin and Arun Seeralan Balakrishnan
2 10 Autonomous Anomaly Detection System for Crime Monitoring Muhammed Shuaau and Ka Fei Thang
3 47 Integrated Wireless Monitoring System using LoRa and Node-Red for University Building Sathish Kumar Selvaperumal, Waleed Al-Gumaei, Raed Abdulla and Vinesh Thiruchelvam
4 207 Cyber Threat Intelligence Abdulraheem Ali Al-Haddad, Maryam Shahpasand and Vinesh Thiruchelvam
5 208 Android Security Threat Management Mohammed Ghazi Habtor, Maryam Shahpasand and Vinesh Thiruchelvam
6 66 A Combinatorial Approach to Decide Initial Root Value for the Solution of Non-Linear System of Equations Gananathan Ramaiyan, Sulaiman S.M and Dr. Irene Hepzibah
7 98 Black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) as healthy and delicious food for pond fish, turkeys, guinea fowls, ducks and chickensPadmakumar Dhason and Vinesh Thiruchelvam
8 100 Excel-sheet based PGDBANK System to web-based PGDBANK System – A systematic transformation at Asia Pacific UniversityPadmakumar Dhason and Vinesh Thiruchelvam
9 14 An Effective Time Management System for Performing Employee AttendanceChen Tet Khuan and Md Baharul Islam
10 30 Web Applications Design Methodology: A ReviewSiti Azreena Mubin and Matthew Wee Ann Poh